

Faith Over Fear Bakery
Address: 253 Park Crest Dr Freeport, IL, 61032
Phone: 270-970-5208
About Us
Sourdough home bakery in Freeport IL.
I started playing with sourdough over two years ago, only using the "discard" to make baked goods. I finally got up the gumption to make bread last year. This is why I call my bakery Faith Over Fear, it signifies just taking the jump, being scared, and doing it anyway. Turns out, my bread is pretty spectacular, and that jump of faith has turned into a passion I am grateful to share with all of you!
I use organic, non-GMO, and local ingredients, because I feel this is important and has an impact.
The water I use is from the artesian well in Winslow, IL. Quality of water is paramount to quality of life.

The process of making bread and other products is special to me, intention is kneaded in to nourish not only your belly, but to also provide a subtle increase in overall health and well-being. All of my sourdough is infused with the Bach Flower Remedy- Star of Bethlehem, to help deal with the aftereffects of any shocking experience, either immediately or when delayed effects manifest. The positive potential of Star of Bethlehem is being strong in mind and body. (Please feel free to google Bach flower remedies or reach out for more information, I would also be happy to incorporate other Bach Flowers into your product if requested.)
During my time in the kitchen, I am also incorporating healing frequencies, playing music aligned with solfeggio frequencies, repeating mantra, and speaking affirmations of health, well-being, and love into the products.
You can learn more about my intentional process by scanning the QR code on my product labels!

It is my mission, through my products, to share the message that You Are Worthy, Simply Because You Exist.