Ridge Runners Market
Address: 605 N Stockton Rd Stockton, IL, 61085
Phone: 815-369-4920
About Us
We have both grown up on dairy farms in Northwest Illinois and now own our own farm nestled in the hills of Jo Daviess County. Here we raise Angus beef cattle, goats, hogs, and some chickens. We also spend many hours in our hemp field preparing our crop so that we can provide our customers with our high quality CBD products. Everything we do is a full family effort, and we couldn't be successful without their love and support! We also have organically grown produce and herbs that come from our farm and the four acres of greenhouses in Stockton, with everything started from seed. We do a cut flower business and supply many florists with cut flowers, while selling mason jar bouquets in our store. We will also have mums, pumpkins, and gourds we will grow in the fall. Our hanging baskets and flowers were all grown and made in our greenhouse, along with succulents. We take pride in what we do, and we are trying to build our brand with quality, healthy items.